We are an experimental research group investigating the electronic and magnetic properties of matter on the nanoscale, and developing strategies to manipulate them with atomic precision.
Our current research activities focus on metal-organic and graphene-based heterostructures, as well as two dimensional electron gases in the presence of superlattice structures.
We are based at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), which is located on the campus of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
We are an experimental research group investigating the electronic and magnetic properties of matter on the nanoscale, and developing strategies to manipulate them with atomic precision. Our current research activities focus on metal-organic and graphene-based heterostructures, as well as two dimensional electron gases in the presence of superlattice structures. We are based at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), which is located on the campus of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.
Our Research
Our research activity is focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of low dimensional systems and hybrid organic/inorganic heterostructures. Combining scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy(STM/STS) with other non-local spectroscopies (XPS/ARPES, XAS/XMCD), we study the correlation between structural, electronic and magnetic properties in order to manipulate them with atomic precision.
Job Offers
Postdoctoral positions
Our group encourages motivated candidates to apply for competitive grants to join us. The 2022 calls for Juan de la Cierva and Ramon y Cajal Fellowships will open by the…
Predoctoral position
Our group also encourages motivated predoctoral candidates to apply for competitive grants to join us. At the present we have a project focused on “Tailoring quantum properties of 2D materials…